Privacy Policy

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  • Privacy Policy


Effective date January 25, 2021


Cybersecurity Legal Consulting (“CLC”, “we”, “our’) advocates for the application of fair information privacy practices and strives to abide by the same standard in collecting and processing your data. We are committed to protecting the privacy of everyone who visits our website, interacts, or shares any information with us. This Privacy Policy describes the manner on which your data is collected, processed, used, and disclosed as well as the individual rights regarding the personal data. This applies to personal information collected through our website, services, face to face, calls or any other applicable form of collection.

Information We Collect

We collect personal identifiable information (PII) from our site visitors and customers to ensure our site functionality and deliver better results to our customers.

We collect personal information only as directly and knowingly provided by you when you engage with us through our web forms, email, or direct calls. PII that we collect through our web forms includes name, email, and phone number. When interacting with you directly or providing you with our services we may collect additional information that is essential in facilitating our services to you.

When you visit our website, we may collect non personal information related to your browsing activity to study the behavior of our website visitors and to ensure the functionality of our website. We use Google Analytics to help us understand and analyze the manner users use our site. The tool uses ‘cookies’ which are small pieces of code downloaded into your computer that collects information on unique users, browser type, number of visits, time spent on site, traffic source information, start and end of a session, value of visitor-level and geolocation data. You can choose to reject the cookies in your web browser but please be aware that this might impact the performance of the website.

For hiring purpose in addition to information received directly from you, we may collect personal information using third party providers based on explicit consent from you.

We do not direct any of our services nor intend to collect any personal information online from children under the age of 16.

How We Use Information

We use personal information to better understand our client’s needs, determine how to better respond to your inquiries and provide you with our services, to send marketing and service offer updates to those who agree to such messages.

We will use the information provided to us to bill and collect sums owed by you, as well as contact you with regards to other needs such as, but not limited to informative emails, invoices, receipts and notices related to the performance of our services.

We may use the information to also conduct any requested data analytics for your business and comply with any legal obligations.

We may occasionally send you informational and promotional content regarding our services. You may opt out of such marketing emails by unsubscribing from our mailing list.  

We may use and process any personal information and related documentation submitted by job applicants for purpose of evaluating their applications.

How We Disclose Personal Information for Business and Legal Purposes

We do not sell or exchange for profit your personal information with any third parties.

We may share your information with third parties to the extent that is necessary for the accomplishment of our business or commercial purposes and comply with legal requirements i.e.

  • We may share non-personal data with service providers to conduct web analytics to improve the quality of our website
  • We will share transaction data with our payment service providers only to the extent necessary to process payments, refunds and dealing with any queries related to such payments
  • We may share data with relevant law enforcement authorities only to the extent necessary to comply with the law.
  • In case of sale, merger or acquisition we will share personal information in part or whole with another business that would become responsible for administering the website.

Retention and Deletion of Data

We retain your information only as long as it is necessary to provide you with our services and/or carrying out necessary business functions for our company like billing services, calculating taxes and conducting audits.  

Protecting Personal Information

CLC aims to secure your data in a safe storage protected through appropriate physical, technological and administrative procedures. However, no online transaction is absolutely secure. As such CLC makes no absolute guarantees to the security the information you transmit via our online services. We will do our best to ensure the security of the information.

Third Party Links and Websites

 The website will potentially have links to third party websites or services. This policy does not apply to and we are not responsible for the privacy and information practices of those third parties. We urge you to familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of those third party websites.

Individual Rights

Under various privacy and data protection laws, as a data subject you have several basic rights, which you may exercise free of charge at any time by contacting us directly. You are entitled to

 know if we process and personal information regarding you, means of processing and how we use that information;

requests access to the personal information that we process about you;

request rectification of the personal data about you in case the data we process is inaccurate or incomplete;

request restriction of the processing of the data temporarily or permanently on some of all of the personal information about you;

request erasure of all the personal information about you;

object to the sale of your data to any third party;

request transfer of your personal data to a third party when our processing is automated, and transfer is done based on your consent.


By using our site, you consent to the collection, use and storage of your personal and non-personal information as described in this policy.

Changes to This Policy

This policy may be amended from time to time. Changes to the policy will be posted on this page so that you are always aware of our privacy policies.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly.

Cybersecurity Legal Consulting

3745 Miguels LN,

Las Vegas, NV, 89120 US

+1 7024651582